
September 24, 2019

Piloting Public Health in the Right Direction with Electric Vehicles

While thinking electric vehicles, no one can ever think about the healthcare industry. In fact both are closely connected to each other.

Polluted air creates illness and substantially increases the medical costs. Therefore installing electric vehicle charging stations in the premises of hospitals, clinics, and medical centers makes it easier for the staff and patients in the surrounding area to charge an electric car. This can improve the quality of life of their patients and of course the environment.

Air pollution causes cardiovascular disease, impairs lung development and has been linked to lung cancer. Installation of charging stations in doctor’s parking lots and hospital garages provides doctors, nurses, healthcare administrators, and visitors with an opportunity to improve public health, improve quality of life for their patients, and cut their own costs in the process.

Pollution is increasing making healthcare versus cost graph grow high and confusion about the benefits of health insurance also rises, costing patients and hospitals alike

Just as doctors want to send the message that they care about patients, by installing EV charging stations is a great way for hospitals to send the message that they care about their communities. Helping staff make the decision to purchase an EV can create change in air quality in the community, and send the message that the hospital staff are doing their part for environmental and patient health.


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